Friday 20 February 2009

off topic

"... I truly believe that the most important aspects to being human and being alive is to try and understand how you connect to the universe and that your true nature is not just material elements that make up your body. It's certainly not something that can be written about; but most come from deep within yourself and once you've glimpsed this, nothing else can affect you. The greates accomplishments of wordly people mean nothing once you have seen life beyond good and evil. I have stopped ignoring who I am and have focused on balancing the spirit and the flesh and trying to learn from every experience without being materialistic or judgmental. I don't understand when people shut something out before trying to experience it or understand it, the world and the universe are an absolutely magical, mind warping set up! Stop and think about it once in a while, you're spinning in space on a globe heated by a giant burning star, which in the universe represents a spec of sand! Forget about your Big Mac or Coke for just a minute; and look up the night sky and try to feel a part of it."

Nie wiem skad dokladnie autor jednego z najlepszych zinow ever (stop look and listen) zaporzyczyl sobie powyzsza wypowiedz Keitha z almighty Cause for Alarm, ale raz na jakis czas wracam do tego czasopisma, by odswiezyc sobie wlasnie te kilka linijek. Linijek na tyle mocnych i motywujacych do refleksji, by wyjsc wieczorem z domu i zrobic sobie krotka przerwe w szarej codziennosci. Polozyc sie w parku na trawie w podczas polgodzinnej przebiezki i... no wlasnie, poczuc sie czescia tego wszystkiego...

1 comment:

on the road said...

wez cos napisz, bo od tego Twojego przepracowania nie mam co czytac po nocach!